Contributions and Discussions

Contributing to Pixeltable

We welcome contributions from the community! Whether you're fixing bugs, improving documentation, or adding new features, your help makes Pixeltable better for everyone.

Ways to Contribute

1. Code Contributions

  • First-Time Contributors: Look for issues labeled good-first-issue in our issue tracker
  • New Features/Integrations: Start by adding UDFs or integrations before diving into core features
  • Bug Fixes: Help us squash bugs and improve stability

2. Development Setup

  1. Install Prerequisites:

    • Install Miniconda
    • Standard developer tools (git, make)
  2. Create Development Environment:

conda create --name pxt python=3.9
conda activate pxt
  1. Fork and Clone:
git clone[your-username]/pixeltable
cd pixeltable
make install
make test

3. Contributing Process

  1. Create a Branch: Create a new branch for your feature/fix
  2. Write Code: Make your changes, following our coding standards
  3. Add Tests: Include unit tests for new features
  4. Submit PR: Create a pull request with a clear description of changes
  5. Code Review: Respond to review feedback and make necessary adjustments

4. Documentation

  • Help improve our docs by fixing typos, clarifying explanations, or adding examples
  • Add docstrings to new functions/classes following our documentation standards

5. Community

  • Discussions: Join or start discussions in our GitHub Discussions
  • Issues: Report bugs or suggest features in our Issue Tracker
  • Questions: Ask questions and help others in our community

For detailed contribution guidelines, see our