Tables and Data Operations
Pixeltable Fundamentals
Section 1: Tables and Data Operations
Welcome to Section 1 of the Pixeltable Fundamentals tutorial, Tables and Data Operations. In this section, we'll learn how to:
- Create and manage tables: Understand Pixeltable's table structure, create and modify tables, and work with table schemas
- Manipulate data: Insert, update, and delete data within tables, and retrieve data from tables into Python variables
- Filter and select data: Use
, andorder_by()
to query for specific rows and columns - Import data from CSV files and other file types
First, let's ensure the Pixeltable library is installed in your environment.
%pip install -qU pixeltable
All data in Pixeltable is stored in tables. At a high level, a Pixeltable table behaves similarly to an ordinary SQL database table, but with many additional capabilities to support complex AI workflows. We'll introduce those advanced capabilities gradually throughout this tutorial; in this section, the focus is on basic table and data operations.
Tables in Pixeltable are grouped into directories, which are simply user-defined namespaces. The following command creates a new directory, fundamentals
, which we'll use to store the tables in our tutorial.
import pixeltable as pxt
# First we delete the `fundamentals` directory and all its contents (if
# it exists), in order to ensure a clean environment for the tutorial.
pxt.drop_dir('fundamentals', force=True)
# Now we create the directory.
Connected to Pixeltable database at: postgresql+psycopg://postgres:@/pixeltable?host=/Users/asiegel/.pixeltable/pgdata
Created directory `fundamentals`.
<pixeltable.catalog.dir.Dir at 0x319a80610>
Now let's create our first table. To create a table, we must give it a name and a schema that describes the table structure. Note that prefacing the name with fundamentals
causes it to be placed in our newly-created directory.
films_t = pxt.create_table('fundamentals.films', {
'film_name': pxt.String,
'year': pxt.Int,
'revenue': pxt.Float
Created table `films`.
To insert data into a table, we use the insert()
method, passing it a list of Python dicts.
{'film_name': 'Jurassic Park', 'year': 1993, 'revenue': 1037.5},
{'film_name': 'Titanic', 'year': 1997, 'revenue': 2257.8},
{'film_name': 'Avengers: Endgame', 'year': 2019, 'revenue': 2797.5}
Inserting rows into `films`: 3 rows [00:00, 490.68 rows/s]
Inserted 3 rows with 0 errors.
UpdateStatus(num_rows=3, num_computed_values=3, num_excs=0, updated_cols=[], cols_with_excs=[])
If you're inserting just a single row, you can use an alternate syntax that is sometimes more convenient.
films_t.insert(film_name='Inside Out 2', year=2024, revenue=1462.7)
Inserting rows into `films`: 1 rows [00:00, 386.54 rows/s]
Inserted 1 row with 0 errors.
UpdateStatus(num_rows=1, num_computed_values=1, num_excs=0, updated_cols=[], cols_with_excs=[])
We can peek at the data in our table with the collect()
method, which retrieves all the rows in the table.
film_name | year | revenue |
Jurassic Park | 1993 | 1037.5 |
Titanic | 1997 | 2257.8 |
Avengers: Endgame | 2019 | 2797.5 |
Inside Out 2 | 2024 | 1462.7 |
Pixeltable also provides update()
and delete()
methods for modifying and removing data from a table; we'll see examples of them shortly.
Filtering and Selecting Data
Often you want to select only certain rows and/or certain columns in a table. You can do this with the where()
and select()
films_t.where(films_t.revenue >= 2000.0).collect()
film_name | year | revenue |
Titanic | 1997 | 2257.8 |
Avengers: Endgame | 2019 | 2797.5 |, films_t.year).collect()
film_name | year |
Jurassic Park | 1993 |
Titanic | 1997 |
Avengers: Endgame | 2019 |
Inside Out 2 | 2024 |
Note the expressions that appear inside the calls to where()
and select()
, such as films_t.year
. These are column references that point to specific columns within a table. In place of films_t.year
, you can also use dictionary syntax and type films_t['year']
, which means exactly the same thing but is sometimes more convenient.['film_name'], films_t['year']).collect()
film_name | year |
Jurassic Park | 1993 |
Titanic | 1997 |
Avengers: Endgame | 2019 |
Inside Out 2 | 2024 |
In addition to selecting columns directly, you can use column references inside various kinds of expressions. For example, our revenue
numbers are given in millions of dollars. Let's say we wanted to select revenue in thousands of dollars instead; we could do that as follows:, films_t.revenue * 1000).collect()
film_name | col_1 |
Jurassic Park | 1037500. |
Titanic | 2257800. |
Avengers: Endgame | 2797500. |
Inside Out 2 | 1462700. |
Note that since we selected an abstract expression rather than a specific column, Pixeltable gave it the generic name col_1
. You can assign it a more informative name with Python keyword syntax:, revenue_thousands=films_t.revenue * 1000).collect()
film_name | revenue_thousands |
Jurassic Park | 1037500. |
Titanic | 2257800. |
Avengers: Endgame | 2797500. |
Inside Out 2 | 1462700. |
Tables are Persistent
This is a good time to mention a few key differences between Pixeltable tables and other familiar datastructures, such as Python dicts or Pandas dataframes.
First, Pixeltable is persistent. Unlike in-memory Python libraries such as Pandas, Pixeltable is a database. When you reset a notebook kernel or start a new Python session, you'll have access to all the data you've stored previously in Pixeltable. Let's demonstrate this by using the IPython %reset -f
command to clear out all our notebook variables, so that films_t
is no longer defined.
%reset -f
films_t.collect() # Throws an exception now
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[11], line 2
1 get_ipython().run_line_magic('reset', '-f')
----> 2 films_t.collect() # Throws an exception now
NameError: name 'films_t' is not defined
The films_t
variable (along with all other variables in our Python session) has been cleared out - but that's ok, because it wasn't the source of record for our data. The films_t
variable is just a reference to the underlying database table. We can recover it with the get_table
command, referencing the films
table by name.
import pixeltable as pxt
films_t = pxt.get_table('fundamentals.films')
film_name | year | revenue |
Jurassic Park | 1993 | 1037.5 |
Titanic | 1997 | 2257.8 |
Avengers: Endgame | 2019 | 2797.5 |
Inside Out 2 | 2024 | 1462.7 |
You can always get a list of all existing tables with the Pixeltable list_tables
Tables are Typed
The second major difference is that Pixeltable is strongly typed. Because Pixeltable is a database, every column has a data type: that's why we specified String
, Int
, and Float
for the three columns when we created the table. These type specifiers are mandatory when creating tables, and they become part of the table schema. You can always see the table schema with the describe()
Column Name | Type | Computed With |
film_name | String | |
year | Int | |
revenue | Float |
In a notebook, you can also just type films_t
to see the schema; its output is identical to films_t.describe()
Column Name | Type | Computed With |
film_name | String | |
year | Int | |
revenue | Float |
, Int
, and Float
, Pixeltable provides several additional data types:
, whose values areTrue
for numerical arrays;Json
, for lists or dicts that correspond to valid JSON structures; and- The media types
, andDocument
Besides the column names and types, there's a third element to the schema, Computed With
. We'll explain what this means in the next section of the tutorial, Computed Columns.
All of the methods we've discussed so far, such as insert()
and get_table()
, are documented in the Pixeltable API Documentation. The following pages are particularly relevant to this section of the tutorial:
- pixeltable package reference
- pxt.Table class reference
- API Cheat Sheet
A Real-World Example: Earthquake Data
Now let's dive a little deeper into Pixeltable's data operations. To showcase all the features, it'll be helpful to have a real-world dataset, rather than our toy dataset with four movies. The dataset we'll be using consists of Earthquake data drawn from the US Geological Survey: all recorded Earthquakes that occurred within 100 km of Seattle, Washington, between January 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
The dataset is in CSV format, and we can load it into Pixeltable with the handy import_csv()
function, which creates a new Pixeltable table from the contents of a CSV file.
eq_t =
'fundamentals.earthquakes', # Name for the new table
primary_key='id', # Column 'id' is the primary key
parse_dates=[3] # Interpret column 3 as a timestamp
Created table `earthquakes`.
Inserting rows into `earthquakes`: 1823 rows [00:00, 25263.30 rows/s]
Inserted 1823 rows with 0 errors.
URL, but it can also be an s3://
URL referencing an S3 bucket.
, Pixeltable provides a variety of other importers for structured data, such as import_pandas
(which creates a table from a Pandas dataframe) and import_excel
. These importers are described in the package reference.
Let's have a peek at our new dataset. The dataset contains 1823 rows, and we probably don't want to display them all at once. We can limit our query to fewer rows with the limit()
id | magnitude | location | timestamp | longitude | latitude |
0 | 1.15 | 10 km NW of Belfair, Washington | 2023-01-01 08:10:37.050000-08:00 | -122.93 | 47.51 |
1 | 0.29 | 23 km ENE of Ashford, Washington | 2023-01-02 01:02:43.950000-08:00 | -121.76 | 46.85 |
2 | 0.2 | 23 km ENE of Ashford, Washington | 2023-01-02 12:05:01.420000-08:00 | -121.75 | 46.86 |
3 | 0.52 | 15 km NNE of Ashford, Washington | 2023-01-02 12:45:14.220000-08:00 | -121.95 | 46.89 |
4 | 1.56 | 0 km WSW of Esperance, Washington | 2023-01-02 13:19:27.200000-08:00 | -122.36 | 47.79 |
A different way of achieving something similar is to use the head()
and tail()
methods. Pixeltable keeps track of the insertion order of all its data, and head()
and tail()
will always return the earliest inserted and most recently inserted rows in a table, respectively.
id | magnitude | location | timestamp | longitude | latitude |
0 | 1.15 | 10 km NW of Belfair, Washington | 2023-01-01 08:10:37.050000-08:00 | -122.93 | 47.51 |
1 | 0.29 | 23 km ENE of Ashford, Washington | 2023-01-02 01:02:43.950000-08:00 | -121.76 | 46.85 |
2 | 0.2 | 23 km ENE of Ashford, Washington | 2023-01-02 12:05:01.420000-08:00 | -121.75 | 46.86 |
3 | 0.52 | 15 km NNE of Ashford, Washington | 2023-01-02 12:45:14.220000-08:00 | -121.95 | 46.89 |
4 | 1.56 | 0 km WSW of Esperance, Washington | 2023-01-02 13:19:27.200000-08:00 | -122.36 | 47.79 |
id | magnitude | location | timestamp | longitude | latitude |
1818 | 1.7 | 14 km W of Skokomish, Washington | 2024-06-29 08:55:50.030000-07:00 | -123.35 | 47.32 |
1819 | 1.06 | 7 km E of Lake McMurray, Washington | 2024-06-29 12:15:19.130000-07:00 | -122.13 | 48.31 |
1820 | 0.48 | 4 km E of Duvall, Washington | 2024-06-30 09:15:43.020000-07:00 | -121.93 | 47.75 |
1821 | 0.46 | 12 km NE of Ashford, Washington | 2024-06-30 10:05:15.410000-07:00 | -121.93 | 46.84 |
1822 | 0.72 | 6 km ENE of Oso, Washington | 2024-06-30 11:12:41.900000-07:00 | -121.84 | 48.28 |
and limit(n).collect()
appear similar in this example. But head()
always returns the earliest rows in a table, whereas limit()
makes no promises about the ordering of its results (unless you specify an order_by()
clause - more on this below).
Let's also peek at the schema:
Column Name | Type | Computed With |
id | Required[Int] | |
magnitude | Float | |
location | String | |
timestamp | Timestamp | |
longitude | Float | |
latitude | Float |
Note that while specifying a schema is mandatory when creating a table, it's not always required when importing data. This is because Pixeltable uses the structure of the imported data to infer the column types, when feasible. You can always override the inferred column types with the schema_overrides
parameter of import_csv()
The following examples showcase some common data operations.
eq_t.count() # Number of rows in the table
# 5 highest-magnitude earthquakes
eq_t.order_by(eq_t.magnitude, asc=False).limit(5).collect()
id | magnitude | location | timestamp | longitude | latitude |
1002 | 4.3 | Port Townsend, WA | 2023-10-09 02:21:08.960000-07:00 | -122.73 | 48.04 |
1226 | 4.04 | 6 km W of Quilcene, Washington | 2023-12-24 15:14:04.220000-08:00 | -122.96 | 47.82 |
699 | 3.91 | 9 km NNE of Snoqualmie, Washington | 2023-08-08 10:17:23.910000-07:00 | -121.77 | 47.6 |
1281 | 3.48 | 7 km SSW of River Road, Washington | 2024-01-15 07:25:05.920000-08:00 | -123.17 | 48. |
1355 | 3.42 | 17 km WSW of Brinnon, Washington | 2024-02-16 16:30:18.830000-08:00 | -123.09 | 47.59 |
from datetime import datetime
# 5 highest-magnitude earthquakes in Q3 2023
eq_t.where((eq_t.timestamp >= datetime(2023, 6, 1)) & (eq_t.timestamp < datetime(2023, 10, 1))) \
.order_by(eq_t.magnitude, asc=False).limit(5).collect()
id | magnitude | location | timestamp | longitude | latitude |
699 | 3.91 | 9 km NNE of Snoqualmie, Washington | 2023-08-08 10:17:23.910000-07:00 | -121.77 | 47.6 |
799 | 2.86 | 5 km E of Ashford, Washington | 2023-08-27 10:10:23.770000-07:00 | -121.96 | 46.77 |
710 | 2.84 | 8 km ENE of Fall City, Washington | 2023-08-08 11:51:12.750000-07:00 | -121.79 | 47.6 |
577 | 2.79 | 0 km NE of Maple Valley, Washington | 2023-07-04 15:52:54.430000-07:00 | -122.04 | 47.4 |
769 | 2.73 | 16 km NE of Ashford, Washington | 2023-08-22 23:44:12.250000-07:00 | -121.88 | 46.87 |
Note that Pixeltable uses Pandas-like operators for filtering data: the expression
(eq_t.timestamp >= datetime(2023, 6, 1)) & (eq_t.timestamp < datetime(2023, 10, 1))
means both conditions must be true; similarly (say),
(eq_t.timestamp < datetime(2023, 6, 1)) | (eq_t.timestamp >= datetime(2023, 10, 1))
would mean either condition must be true.
You can also use the special isin
operator to select just those values that appear within a particular list:
# Earthquakes with specific ids
id | magnitude | location | timestamp | longitude | latitude |
123 | 1.23 | 7 km SW of Rainier, Washington | 2023-02-17 00:28:25.460000-08:00 | -122.75 | 46.84 |
456 | 0.23 | Washington | 2023-05-23 08:49:02.450000-07:00 | -121.98 | 46.87 |
789 | 1.67 | Puget Sound region, Washington | 2023-08-26 04:04:11.200000-07:00 | -122.57 | 47.6 |
In addition to basic operators like >=
and isin
, a Pixeltable where
clause can also contain more complex operations. For example, the location
column in our dataset is a string that contains a lot of information, but in a relatively unstructured way. Suppose we wanted to see all Earthquakes in the vicinity of Rainier, Washington; one way to do this is with the contains()
# All earthquakes in the vicinity of Rainier
id | magnitude | location | timestamp | longitude | latitude |
40 | 1.22 | 11 km SSE of Rainier, Washington | 2023-01-19 21:52:29.910000-08:00 | -122.65 | 46.79 |
85 | 1.45 | 10 km SSE of Rainier, Washington | 2023-02-02 20:08:27.810000-08:00 | -122.65 | 46.79 |
123 | 1.23 | 7 km SW of Rainier, Washington | 2023-02-17 00:28:25.460000-08:00 | -122.75 | 46.84 |
467 | 1.09 | 10 km SSE of Rainier, Washington | 2023-05-26 19:39:44.120000-07:00 | -122.65 | 46.8 |
1399 | 1.08 | 5 km SW of Rainier, Washington | 2024-03-04 22:34:25.210000-08:00 | -122.74 | 46.85 |
1709 | 1.16 | 10 km S of Rainier, Washington | 2024-05-22 18:28:38.130000-07:00 | -122.68 | 46.79 |
1776 | 1.17 | 12 km S of Rainier, Washington | 2024-06-17 18:25:33.400000-07:00 | -122.66 | 46.77 |
Pixeltable also supports various aggregators; here's an example showcasing two fairly simple ones, max()
and min()
# Min and max ids, max=pxt.functions.max(
min | max |
0 | 1822 |
We'll discuss the various Pixeltable functions and expressions more thoroughly in the next tutorial section, Computed Columns and Expressions, and they're exhaustively documented in the Pixeltable API.
Extracting Data from Tables into Python/Pandas
Sometimes it's handy to pull out data from a table into a Python object. We've actually already done this; the call to collect()
returns an in-memory result set, which we can then dereference in various ways. For example:
result = eq_t.limit(5).collect()
result[0] # Get the first row of the results as a dict
{'id': 0,
'magnitude': 1.15,
'location': '10 km NW of Belfair, Washington',
'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 1, 8, 10, 37, 50000, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='America/Los_Angeles')),
'longitude': -122.93,
'latitude': 47.51}
result['timestamp'] # Get a list of the `timestamp` field of all the rows that were queried
[datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 1, 8, 10, 37, 50000, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='America/Los_Angeles')),
datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 2, 1, 2, 43, 950000, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='America/Los_Angeles')),
datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 2, 12, 5, 1, 420000, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='America/Los_Angeles')),
datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 2, 12, 45, 14, 220000, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='America/Los_Angeles')),
datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 2, 13, 19, 27, 200000, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='America/Los_Angeles'))]
df = result.to_pandas() # Convert the result set into a Pandas dataframe
count 5.000000
mean 0.744000
std 0.587988
min 0.200000
25% 0.290000
50% 0.520000
75% 1.150000
max 1.560000
Name: magnitude, dtype: float64
without a preceding limit()
returns the entire contents of a query or table. Be careful! For very large tables, this could result in out-of-memory errors. In this example, the 1823 rows in the table fit comfortably into a dataframe.
df = eq_t.collect().to_pandas()
count 1823.000000
mean 0.900378
std 0.625492
min -0.830000
25% 0.420000
50% 0.850000
75% 1.310000
max 4.300000
Name: magnitude, dtype: float64
Adding Columns
Like other database tables, Pixeltable tables aren't fixed entities: they're meant to evolve over time. Suppose we want to add a new column to hold user-specified comments about particular earthquake events. We can do this with the add_column()
Added 1823 column values with 0 errors.
UpdateStatus(num_rows=1823, num_computed_values=1823, num_excs=0, updated_cols=[], cols_with_excs=[])
Here, note
is the column name, and pxt.String
specifies the type of the new column. An alternate syntax is sometimes convenient:
Added 1823 column values with 0 errors.
Let's have a look at the revised schema.
Column Name | Type | Computed With |
id | Required[Int] | |
magnitude | Float | |
location | String | |
timestamp | Timestamp | |
longitude | Float | |
latitude | Float | |
note | String | |
contact_email | String |
Updating Rows in a Table
Table rows can be modified and deleted with the SQL-like update()
and delete()
# Add a comment to records with IDs 123 and 127
.update({'note': 'Still investigating.', 'contact_email': '[email protected]'})
Inserting rows into `earthquakes`: 2 rows [00:00, 638.55 rows/s]
UpdateStatus(num_rows=2, num_computed_values=0, num_excs=0, updated_cols=['earthquakes.note', 'earthquakes.contact_email'], cols_with_excs=[])
eq_t.where( >= 120).select(, eq_t.magnitude, eq_t.note, eq_t.contact_email).head(5)
id | magnitude | note | contact_email |
120 | 1.17 | None | None |
121 | 1.87 | Still investigating. | [email protected] |
122 | 0.34 | None | None |
123 | 1.23 | Still investigating. | [email protected] |
124 | 0.13 | None | None |
can also accept an expression, rather than a constant value. For example, suppose we wanted to shorten the location strings by replacing every occurrence of Washington
with WA
. One way to do this is with an update()
clause, using a Pixeltable expression with the replace()
eq_t.update({'location': eq_t.location.replace('Washington', 'WA')})
Inserting rows into `earthquakes`: 1823 rows [00:00, 19274.07 rows/s]
UpdateStatus(num_rows=1823, num_computed_values=0, num_excs=0, updated_cols=['earthquakes.location'], cols_with_excs=[])
id | magnitude | location | timestamp | longitude | latitude | note | contact_email |
0 | 1.15 | 10 km NW of Belfair, WA | 2023-01-01 08:10:37.050000-08:00 | -122.93 | 47.51 | None | None |
1 | 0.29 | 23 km ENE of Ashford, WA | 2023-01-02 01:02:43.950000-08:00 | -121.76 | 46.85 | None | None |
2 | 0.2 | 23 km ENE of Ashford, WA | 2023-01-02 12:05:01.420000-08:00 | -121.75 | 46.86 | None | None |
3 | 0.52 | 15 km NNE of Ashford, WA | 2023-01-02 12:45:14.220000-08:00 | -121.95 | 46.89 | None | None |
4 | 1.56 | 0 km WSW of Esperance, WA | 2023-01-02 13:19:27.200000-08:00 | -122.36 | 47.79 | None | None |
Notice that in all cases, the update()
clause takes a Python dictionary, but its values can be either constants such as '[email protected]'
, or more complex expressions such as eq_t.location.replace('Washington', 'WA')
. Also notice that if update()
appears without a where()
clause, then every row in the table will be updated, as in the preceding example.
Batch Updates
The batch_update()
method provides an alternative way to update multiple rows with different values. With a batch_update()
, the contents of each row are specified by individual dict
s, rather than according to a formula. Here's a toy example that shows batch_update()
in action.
updates = [
{'id': 500, 'note': 'This is an example note.'},
{'id': 501, 'note': 'This is a different note.'},
{'id': 502, 'note': 'A third note, unrelated to the others.'}
Inserting rows into `earthquakes`: 3 rows [00:00, 1600.88 rows/s]
UpdateStatus(num_rows=3, num_computed_values=0, num_excs=0, updated_cols=['earthquakes.note'], cols_with_excs=[])
eq_t.where( >= 500).select(, eq_t.magnitude, eq_t.note, eq_t.contact_email).head(5)
id | magnitude | note | contact_email |
500 | 0.75 | This is an example note. | None |
501 | 0.23 | This is a different note. | None |
502 | 0.43 | A third note, unrelated to the others. | None |
503 | 0.31 | None | None |
504 | 0.35 | None | None |
Deleting Rows
To delete rows from a table, use the delete()
# Delete all rows in 2024
eq_t.where(eq_t.timestamp >= datetime(2024, 1, 1)).delete()
UpdateStatus(num_rows=587, num_computed_values=0, num_excs=0, updated_cols=[], cols_with_excs=[])
eq_t.count() # How many are left after deleting?
Don't forget to specify a where()
clause when using delete()
! If you run delete()
without a where()
clause, the entire contents of the table will be deleted.
UpdateStatus(num_rows=1236, num_computed_values=0, num_excs=0, updated_cols=[], cols_with_excs=[])
Table Versioning
Every table in Pixeltable is versioned: some or all of its modification history is preserved. If you make a mistake, you can always call revert()
to undo the previous change to a table. Let's try it out: we'll use it to revert the successive delete()
calls that we just executed.
cannot be undone!
Multimodal Data
In addition to the structured data we've been exploring so far in this tutorial, Pixeltable has native support for media types: images, video, audio, and unstructured documents such as pdfs. Media support is one of Pixeltable's core capabilities, and we'll have much more to say about it the upcoming Unstructured Data section of this tutorial. For now, we'll just give one example to show how media data lives side-by-side with structured data in Pixeltable.
eq_t['map_image'] = pxt.Image # Add a new column of type `Image`
Added 1823 column values with 0 errors.
Column Name | Type | Computed With |
id | Required[Int] | |
magnitude | Float | |
location | String | |
timestamp | Timestamp | |
longitude | Float | |
latitude | Float | |
note | String | |
contact_email | String | |
map_image | Image |
# Update the row with id == 1002, adding an image to the `map_image` column
eq_t.where( == 1002).update(
{'map_image': ''}
Inserting rows into `earthquakes`: 1 rows [00:00, 327.99 rows/s]
UpdateStatus(num_rows=1, num_computed_values=0, num_excs=0, updated_cols=['earthquakes.map_image'], cols_with_excs=[])
Pixeltable will also embed image thumbnails in your notebook when you do a query:
eq_t.where( >= 1000).select(, eq_t.magnitude, eq_t.location, eq_t.map_image).head(5)
Directory Hierarchies
So far we've only seen an example of a single directory with a table inside it, but one can also put directories inside other directories, in whatever fashion makes the most sense for a given application.
pxt.create_table('fundamentals.subdir.subsubdir.my_table', {'my_col': pxt.StringType()})
Created directory `fundamentals.subdir`.
Created directory `fundamentals.subdir.subsubdir`.
Created table `my_table`.
Column Name | Type | Computed With |
my_col | Required[String] |
Deleting Columns, Tables, and Directories
, drop_table()
, and drop_dir()
are used to delete columns, tables, and directories, respectively.
# Delete the `contact_email` column
Column Name | Type | Computed With |
id | Required[Int] | |
magnitude | Float | |
location | String | |
timestamp | Timestamp | |
longitude | Float | |
latitude | Float | |
note | String | |
map_image | Image |
# Delete the entire table (cannot be reverted!)
# Delete the entire directory and all its contents, including any nested
# subdirectories (cannot be reverted!)
pxt.drop_dir('fundamentals', force=True)
That's the end of this section of the Fundamentals tutorial! Continue on to the next section:
Updated 3 months ago